I treated LOVE as LIFE till I encountered a new phase of Love, the reality which exists, which you see but deny to accept and understand, that’s when it’s called “LOVE IS BLIND”!
And you wake up once you fail to achieve any of these and that awareness is termed as Betrayal, sadness, ignorance, incomplete expectations, and more.
And the signs you will be waking soon yourself or others is possessiveness, anger, jealousy, and more.
Love is just a fascination created in and by your mind with imagination, desire, passion, excitement, expectation, and need. It activates your creative mind and out of greed one tries to make impossible things possible.
The successful ones call it “True Love” and others stop believing in it.
Love is like writing down an interesting story with all amazing characters, scenarios, full-proof plans, security, passions, plans for life. But it’s not easy to practically play the story of life called – LOVE.
The only way to play the role of “True Love” is, let the person be, don’t convert the person into what he/she is not. Accept, Adjust, and Allow the person in his/her natural way.
So you see, you must not make anyone fall in love with you and vice-Vera. If someone falls in love with you without making any efforts and vice-versa, you are in and have achieved True Love.
Positives of believing in Love – Trust, secured, a fulfilling love life, strength to go through all ups and downs, feeling special, hope to overcome any situation, passion to reach the goal. You don’t need anyone after this person. This is only because you make the person your world. And if the world it with you, you can do anything without giving it a second thought.
Negatives of Love – Don’t trust anyone, an incomplete feeling in life, feel weak in depressing situations, egocentric as no one makes you feel special, No hopes, and may quit reaching a goal. You hinder and still try to find love in other persons since you are unaware of what true or real love is. A person never feels Encouraged to do new things in life so they are not ready to change and become rigid and stick firmly to the old beliefs or customs.
So now, humans, it’s up to you, which phase of Love you want to make your Lover experience, cause this will make his/her world and he/she or you won’t need anyone after that person. Make the journey of their life memorable, loveable, exciting, encouraging, full of passion, etc., because you LIVE and LOVE only once in this lifetime.
Tej ❤️